Thursday, November 19, 2009

Short scarves

Last week I thought I came up with the best idea ever. I am not a fan of long scarves. They are bulky and they end up bunching up under my coat. They make my chest look bigger than it really is.  Maybe I just don't know how to tie them. Who knows?

I sewed a couple of short scarves and used a button to fasten them. I was so proud! I couldn't wait for Ames to come home so he could see how clever I was. He came home and I told him all about it. He said he liked them but then he started looking online. Apparently I wasn't the first to come up the short scarf. Oh well! I still like them and everyone is getting one for Christmas darnit! I made one for Laney and one for me.

This is where I started. A flower. Doesn't look like a flower.

There it is. I gave up on the pink.

Here is Delaney's scarf. She picked out the material.

Here is my scarf under construction. Inside out.

Flipped out.

Both of our short scarves together.

I love this material.

Laney really didn't want me to taker her picture! What a grouch!

Quiet time for once

So today for the first time in as long as I can remember I actually had some much needed quiet time. By the way Chance, I guess this is for you since you are my only follower!! I am sure you understand what I mean about needing quiet time. Both Laney and Ava went down for a nap at the same time today!  I should be doing housework but it can wait. I hate housework anyway. A moment to myself. This is what I did with my time.

I have an obsession with Christmas cactus. Every year around this time they are sold for the Holidays. Every January they get dumped. I guess most people don't find a Christmas cactus very attractive. I do. Maybe a little too much! I usually rescue as many as I can from the grocery store before they end up in the garbage.

Every year I think about how much I love them while they are blooming. After the last flower falls I patiently wait a year until the beautiful blooms come back.

My beloved blooms came early this year!

They almost look prehistoric.

Next time you see one of these plants on sale for $1. Get one! They will bring you a lot of joy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

When I went to pick up Luke from school I noticed the way shadows were hitting the snow on the mountains. It made me long for my camera! I am so grateful to live in Colorado!

Blogging. Hmmmm

Hello everyone! I am new to blogging. In fact I don't even have any followers yet :). Let's see how this goes! I love visiting other people's blogs. I am not the most creative person and I really don't know much about computers! I guess I will learn! Off to find some followers!